Obama’s Dishonorable Disclosures   Leave a comment

Hello fellow conservatives. I found this video entitled.”Dishonorable Disclosures” on YouTube via an article by Peter Bergen entitled “Are ‘Swift Boat’ attacks on Obama Bogus”?. It is a very excellent documentary on the importance of secrecy regarding military secrets before, during and for a time after military missions. Before er even discuss the deal with Obama, I think I should talk about what Swift Boat is first.

Swift Boat was (long story short) a plot to turn his military service record against him during the 2000 presidential election campaign. This plot used lies masked as “truths” to smear his prior service military career. Both sides of the political isle came together on this issue. However, this is simply not the case for President Obama.

Essentially, the charges that this video puts on Obama Administration are as follows;
— The president announced the bin Laden raid before intelligence picked up from bin Laden’s compound could be used to its fullest (ie; computer files, paper files, ect).
— The name of the secret unit that executed the raid –SEAL Team Six — was made public putting the well being of themselves and their families’ at risk.
— The name of the Pakistani doctor recruited by the CIA to help find bin Laden was leaked, jeopardizing him and the CIA’s ability to recruit spies in the future. The doctor is now serving 33 years in a Pakistani prison.
— Moreover, that Obama has taken way too much credit for killing al Qaeda’s leader. “Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,” says a former Navy SEAL interviewed in the film.

I fact checked all of these accusations. To be quite frank I could write a dissertation on how almost all of these accusations are true.

Posted August 22, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Uncategorized

Democrats, Not Racist? Think Again.   1 comment

According to the Star-Ledger story entitled, Camden County couple sues councilman for alleged racial discrimination, Democratic Lindenwold councilman Joseph Strippoli is being sued by Alfred and Deborah Patterson (an interracial couple) on claims that he has been continuously harassing them since they moved into their home nine years ago. He even goes so far as to ask Mrs.. Paterson, “why she had to go and marry someone like her husband?”.

Well, ladies and gentleman, despite every claim by the Democratic party of their “moral superiority”; this is not the first time that a Democrat has been shown to be a complete bigot. Case in point, Vice President Joe Biden. Mr. Biden continuously mocks the South Asian American population by attempting to imitate a stereo typical accent when discussing outsourcing during his New Hampshire speech in 2008.

So, when a liberal Democrat tries to tell me that Democrats are not racist, all I can do is laugh.

Posted August 20, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Political

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An Idiot’s Guide to Government Spending   Leave a comment

Hello readers. I apologize for not writing so regularly over the past two weeks. I just started a job as a home healthcare aide, and it has taken up all of my time from 9AM to 11PM. Even though helping the sick and elderly is an extremely rewarding position; it is quite taxing both mentally and physically. So, tonight I decided to read an article out of Forbes I found interesting to wind down my day. Wow, was that a terrible mistake ladies and gentlemen.

The article in question is called Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It’s Barack Obama? by Rick Ungar. He goes on to argue in his article that President Obama has continuously showed “fiscal constraint” throughout his presidency. Moreover, that the 17.9%
budget increase in 2009 was actually an inherited debt from the Bush administration. Mr. Ungar bases these arguments on figures provided by Marketwatch.

Ok…. Many people could see why Mr. Ungar would be misled by what Marketwatch reports on the budget. After all, even most conservatives would agree that President Bush may have had a bit of a spending problem (to put it lightly). However, I argue that although Obama may have come into a debacle of a federal deficit, Obama only made the problem worse.

How? Obama took an opportunity an ran with it. He took advantage of the idea that everyone knew he walked into a mess the previous January when he came into office. He did it by increasing the budget to 1. Remedy the mistakes of the Bush administration and 2. To make room for the stimulus package. If the stimulus package had not existed, we (generally speaking as a nation) would have been in much better shape. However, he choose to appease those who could not make the cut in a free market.

Even now, one of the recipients of the Obama Bailout, General Motors,is again headed for bankruptcy.

Posted August 17, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Political

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Moving Forward- The Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal   Leave a comment

Yesterday, the independent report by Lois Freeh  was made public. In this report, it was found that the sexual took place over the course of fourteen years and hirt  as many as ten children was perpetrated by Jerry Sandusky was covered up by Penn State’s top officials (including Joe Paterno). Until from many people including Penn State students, corporate leaders and the general public assumed that the great and powerful protested the firing of Paterno and claimed that this was a political move. Now, these same people are forced to eat their words.

In the bigger picture, this scandal is only a smaller part of a wider problem plaguing America; the institutional protection of sexual abuse. This can be seen as a cultural problem because of how this scandal is similar to that of the Catholic Church Sex Scandal, the Military Sex Scandal, and Syracuse University’s Sex Scandal. The similar factor in each of these cases is how senior officials in each of these institutions have failed to report allegations of sexual abuse to civil authorities. Instead, the protected the perpetrators at the cost of the victims.

So, now that the truth is out, we are forced to ask ourselves the question of how to move forward. In the report by Freeh, he names 119 changes that the university should implement to prevent history from repeating itself. However, the Catholic Church also implemented instutional changes which resulted in no change in behavior on behalf of ranking officials despite regeme change. I am forced to ask, what hope can there be for a secular institution like Penn State?

Many are calling for the statue of Paterno to be taken down along with his name on the university’s library. Others suggest that the team be suspended for a season or two. I don’t think doing any of these things will do any good to the public or the victims. What needs to happen is for people to; 1. Stop defending Paterno.- The truth is already out there, so let’s see it for what it is. 2. Bring focus back to the victims.- These are the people that we need to focus on and the source for how Penn State should move on. The university needs to figure out how to further help the victims and how to create a safe environment for other victims to come forward.

Posted July 13, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Uncategorized

Clinton, Obama, Romney & the Economy   Leave a comment

I apologize for my brief absence. Last week I had to attend a tearful wake and funeral for My Sgt’s son. So, I wasn’t in the mood to write. Yesterday and the day before that I have just been busy. Today is going to be pretty crazy for me, so I’m just going to keep this post short sweet and to the point.

This morning I found out that Romney invoked an interesting character in American political history; former President Clinton. Now, many people were going insane. How could a Republican liken himself to such an iconic symbol such as Clinton!?! My answer to that question; quite easily.

The root of the economic success of the Clinton administration was the lowing of capital gains and lower taxes. This is exactly what Romney is championing. Obama is the complete opposite of this type of economic plan. He wants to increase taxes for those who make $250 thousand dollars and up. He is obviously attacking the middle-class. In states like NJ and NY, where the cost of living is incredibly high; making $250,000 is scraping by.

Obama assumes that those making $250,000 busing reedy business owners! When clearly that is not the case. Many of them are regular employees who work long hours in order to provide for their families. So, why not increase taxes for those making millions? Why is he imposing all of these taxes on a middle class that cannot afford it?

Posted July 11, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Political

My Search for Glasnost in the Obama Administration   Leave a comment


Note to Reader: Usually, I hate to use political jargon in my blog posts. This is especially so because I want non- political junkies to understand what I’m talking about. In addition, I feel that the only schmucks that saturate their writing with political jargon do so in an attempt to make themselves feel smarter, when in fact; their ideas are unoriginal. However, today, I find it important to discuss a very important and relevant term; glasnost. Long story short, glasnost simply means openness in Russian. This term is usually used when referring to government openness (or lack thereof).

Today, I was reading a opinion piece by CNN contributor LZ Granderson entitled, “Don’t be Nosy about Fast and Furious”. (http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/26/opinion/granderson-fast-furious/index.html?iref=allsearch) What is Fast and Furious? Well, readers, the down and dirty of it all is that it was a government sponsored operation, ran by the Obama administration. During the course of  this operation, border control gave weapons to Mexican drug cartels with the assumption that these weapons would move up their chain of command to the higher-ups and would ultimately lead to arrests. However, instead of arresting upper- level gang members, there were only a few lower-level arrests, weapons found at the scene of gruesome murders, and a dead border- control agent.

What made this story, all the more sticky is that the House asked the Attorney General Holder (an Obama cabinet member) to release the documents related to the operation so that an complete investigation of the operation can take place. Instead, he withheld the documents and was held in contempt. President Obama then used executive privilege to seal the documents. So, now there is a serious political- legal battle between the Republican- controlled House of Representatives and the Democratic administration of President Obama.

What amazes me about Granderson is that he said that we should mind our own business. This was a tax- payer funded program that failed miserably under the Obama administration. Moreover, the operation ended in the death of a public servant who died defending our freedom. What the government does with our money, is our business as citizens. In addition, Obama promised a certain degree of openness which we have yet to see. At the same time, he is hiding behind executive privilege.  So far, my search for glasnost in the Obama Administration has come up empty.

However, as I was looking through many blog posts about the issue, it did please me to find out that many people were still talking about this story and trying to search for the truth (or Perestroika).

Posted July 5, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Uncategorized

On Obama- Care: What this Means for the Average Joe   Leave a comment

I honestly did not want to write about the healthcare ruling by the Supreme Court yesterday. But writing about anything else would simply be irrelevant. So, here I am; and there you are. I know many “pundits” are attempting to give these huge analyses of the situation; I’m just going to give you the down and dirty of it all. There were three ways in which this attempt at healthcare reform could have been held constitutional. But, Supreme Court upheld the possibly the weakest argument; the mandate. So, let’s think about what happened.

Long story short, the ruling by the Supreme Court was that Obama- care was ruled as constitutional as a tax mandate. Under said mandate, individuals who do not purchase or have health insurance by 2014 would be required to pay a penalty (or additional tax). The court defined the mandate as a tax. (Here, wording becomes very important.) However, the part of the healthcare reform that was deemed unconstitutional was the portion that would have mandated that the states expand Medicaid benefits to the poor.

Many people are upset about how this could effect Americans. At the same time, I don’t believe that all because the Supreme Court finally weighed in, means that anything is finalized. One thing that was problematic was that this tax started in the Senate, when tax bills need to originate from the House of Representatives. Secondly, because this is a tax bill, to repeal this mandate, there need not be a 2/3 vote or filibuster by the Senate. That is, there only needs to be 51 votes by the Senate to destroy Obama Care. What makes things more complicated is that Senate is currently controlled by the Democrats. So, to get the necessary 51 votes, some Democrats would have to defect from their own party (which may or may not happen).

Regardless of the partisan politics, there are a few things that Americans need to know about the Healthcare Tax:

1. Everyone MUST get insurance. Otherwise, in 2014, you may face a marginal tax. However, by 2016, the tax may cost as much as the insurance. As a result, you might as well get the insurance so that at least you get something out of the money you are being forced to dish out.

2. The good thing is that this plan includes free preventive care. This means everything from condoms to cancer screenings.

3. For those individuals who are forced to purchase health insurance on their own, they may qualify for Rebate checks.

Posted June 29, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Political

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words: How Americans Can Get Down and Dirty in their Communities   1 comment

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: How Americans Can Get Down and Dirty in their Communities

Today, I am doing my last minute preparations before going to Washington DC tomorrow for a meeting with my local congressman regarding an issue that is near and dear to my heart; Our Troops. Over the next five years, one million veterans will be coming home. As a result, it is important to successfully integrate them into the greater American populace. This effort becomes difficult because this group of individuals suffer from a variety of mental and physical ailments which may require long-term treatment and a great amount of understanding from the American public.

During my research, I stumbled on a website; DoSomething.org. As the web address may imply, it encourages visitors to well… do something about a variety of different issues that effect Americans around the nation. Not only did this site have a wide variety of issues people can work on, it also had a variety of levels one can get involved on a project. For instance, they give ideas to individuals based on the time and level of commitment they wish to contribute to a cause. They also provide links for making campaign buttons to how to help a grieving friend to helping to build a home for an injured veteran. Of course those were just examples relating to my issue area.

I thought this site was amazing. It encourages regular Americans, no matter what your income level may be or how much time or energy you can expend on a given issue to act. This is our duty as American citizens. If everyone participated in different projects such as those focused on homelessness, animal rights, ect; then maybe we wouldn’t be so dependent on Uncle Sam for a hand. So, I say, lets let our actions speak louder than words. Because, simply sitting behind our computers writing and reading simply not enough to make POSITIVE change.

Anti- Bullying Legislation: An End to Free Speech?   Leave a comment

This afternoon, I decided to review an opinion piece on CNN.com by Representative Mike Honda (D-CA).In his article entitled, ‘Stopping bullying means liberation’. This story can be found here: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/27/opinion/honda-bullying/index.html?hpt=hp_bn7 

Although his argument does focus on his own compelling story of being a victim of racism; it is not enough to begin the end of free speech as we know it.

To be completely honest, I too have been the victim of racism while in school. My parents both immigrated from India. I grew up in a African- American neighborhood post- 9/11…. Needless to say, it was the hardest time of my life. However, it was probably, the best time of my life. I forced myself to push forward despite the odds. Despite how my classmates (and even teachers) treated me like a second class citizen; I pushed myself to my limits to prove them all wrong. If anything, bullying made me the person I am today. So, when people whine and cry about bullying, I tend to tell them to keep pushing on. I don’t say this to be insensitive, but we live in a world where only the strongest survive.

The biggest problem here is not the victims or perpetrators of bullying… but the right to free speech. Yes, speech some speech is prohibited in certain circumstances. However, in the case of bullying, I ask, when will it end? Will criticizing public figures be next? Free speech is way more important to a nation than anti bullying legislation.

Posted June 27, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Uncategorized

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Making the Case For LEGAL Immigration   Leave a comment

The issue of illegal immigration is huge talking point for Team Obama since the beginning of the election. Obama-crats insist on pegging Republicans as cold, anti- Immigration bigots. That certainly is not the case. It seems that Obama-crats do not seem to understand the difference between LEGAL immigration and ILLEGAL immigration. 
Today, I found a great interview of Marco Rubio by CNN correspondent Wolf Blitzer. Here, Rubio makes it clear that immigration is a corner- stone of American society. However, many Republicans like Rubio understand that illegal immigration is a “serious problem”. He recognizes that the only way that American society can prosper is through a system of laws. In the following video Rubio claims that, “a serious balence” is necessary between encouraging legal immigration, curtailing illegal immigration and how the Dream Act hinders this process.

Posted June 26, 2012 by JerseyGirlRun in Uncategorized